2025年01月22日2025年1月21日 恵比寿ブルーノートプレイスにてブルーマウンテンセミナー、マカラフィンとモニーク・マリアンのライブイベント開催
BLUE NOTE PLACEでブルーマウンテンコーヒーの祭典 ジャマイカ大使館・AJIJC・CWWJが開催
Mina-sama, Konichiwa
皆様 こんにちは
I am delighted to warmly welcome you all to the 2025 staging of our annual Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee Day Event.
2025年のジャマイカブルーマウンテンコーヒーの日 イベントにお越しいただき、心より歓迎申し上げます。
And I am particularly delighted to be here with all of you to celebrate our legendary coffee known for its rich aromas and balanced flavour profile. And what better way to do so than over good food, good drink, good music, and good vibes at the renowned Blue Note Place.
This year, we proudly celebrate Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee Day in Japan and Jamaica under the theme “Savour the Essence of Jamaica, Elevate Your Taste”. The theme recognizes the consistently high standard of the JBMC brand which is known globally for its golden balance:rich, sweet and aromatic.
I express my deepest thanks to our two steadfast partners : the Association of Japanese Importers of Jamaican Coffee(AJIJC) and Connect Worldwide Japan (Jamaica Tourist Board Representative in Japan) for joining with the Embassy to stage our annual showcase of Jamaica’s legendary brew.
Indeed, we have found a winning combination of bringing both Brand Jamaica (our renowned coffee) and Destination Jamaica (our premiere tourism product) to you through this coffee event. And we are glad that you could join us for the experience. And this year, we have a little brawta (extra) - a taste of Pure Chocolate, Jamican finest artisan chocolate which has just entered the Japanese market.
This year’s celebration is quite special as we do so in two parts. For the first part, on 9th January (JBMC Day), Iwas honoured to join members of the Association of Japanese Importers of Jamaican Coffee (AJIJC) at the Yushima Tenjin – Shrine of Scholars, where students prayed in preparation for their university entrance examinations. It was an opportunity for us to offer them a packet of invigorating Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee, introducing a new generation of coffee lovers to our world-renowned coffee.
Fittingly known as KACHIMAME (“winning bean”) in Japan, Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee has been a symbol of resilience and triumph. The production of JBMC is an inspiring journey from seed to cup - with the coffee crops surviving the unique environmental conditions of the Jamaica Blue Mountain range to maintain their rich quality. Through our initiative at Yushima Shrine, we hope to further inspire the students’ sense of resilience and set them off on a winning start as they embrace the next stage of their personal growth and development.
As we celebrate this 7thJBMC Day, I reflect on the pivotal role our coffee has played in strengthening the enduring bonds of friendship and cooperation between Jamaica and Japan. It serves as a cultural bridge, often acting as the first point of introduction to Jamaica, sparking a lasting love not only for our coffee, but for our country, our
people, and our rich culture.
第7回ジャマイカ ブルーマウンテンコーヒーの日を祝うにあたり、私はジャマイカと日本の間に構築された友情と協力の絆を強める上で、ジャマイカのコーヒーが果たしてきた重要な役割について振り返ります。ジャマイカのコーヒーは文化的な架け橋として機能し、ジャマイカについて初めて紹介する入口となることが多く、ジャマイカのコーヒーへの愛着だけでなく、ジャマイカの国、人々、そして豊かな文化に対する長きに渡って続く愛情を生んでいます。
Indeed, JBMC’s global success has been fuelled by the Japanese market, which has maintained its position as the largest importer of Jamaican coffee for over 70 years. At the heart of this steady trade are the members of the AJIJC under the leadership of Chairman Tatsushi Ueshima. Since their establishment in 1981, the AJIJC has been a
pillar of support and a true partner for the development of the Jamaica Coffee industry.
Chief among the Jamaican actors in this vital industry are our farmers- who continue to be the backbone of the industry and whose steadfast dedication ensures that JBMC enjoys pride of place in the global market.
The Jamaica Agricultural Commodities Regulatory Authority (JACRA) and the Jamaica Coffee Exporters Association (JCEA) must also be lauded for their untiring work as custodians of JBMC. Altogether, they continue to maintain the integrity of JBMC from seed to cup.
Last year, the commemoration of the 6thJBMC Day coincided with the 60th anniversary of Jamaica-Japan diplomatic relations. That event also came on the heels of the 70th anniversary of the first direct shipment of JBMC to Japan, celebrated the year before. This year, we begin to write a new chapter for JMBC, one that focuses on the sustainability and growth of our coffee sector, taking it through to the next milestone as the reigning king of coffee.
We are pleased that the historic first visit of the President of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to Jamaica in July 2024 has paved the way for the Agency to explore opportunities to support the sustainability of Jamaica’s coffee sector, including to address climate change, infrastructure development and capacity-building.
So, as we journey through 2025, a year symbolising transformation and renewal, we seek to upscale partnerships and collaboration with stakeholders to enhance and expand the JBMC footprint in this market as a cherished, high-quality, and sustainable commodity.
It is with optimism for an even brighter future for our coffee industry grounded in true partnerships that I ask you all to join me in raising your cups —to Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee- and to elevating your taste!
Arigatou Gozaimasu!