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CWW Japan様

Mi cahfi, mi cahfi, mi cahfi, mi cahfi
Mi bowl a bwiling cahfi in de mornin’
I cares for none o’ these, de only ting for me
Is mi bowl a bwiling cahfi in de mornin’







ジャマイカブルーマウンテンコーヒーは、その農業的価値以外でも、活気ある観光分野を補完するものでもあります。CWW Japan様がプログラム後半でこの点についてご紹介してくださいます。ジャマイカの多様な観光商品を日本市場に再び紹介する際、コーヒーもその一部であり続けるようにしたいと思っております。


ジャマイカブルーマウンテンコーヒーの日が、私たちの伝説的なコーヒーブランドの認知度を更に高めてくれ、とても嬉しく思っております。そして、より多くの日本のコーヒー愛飲家に近づく絶好の機会でもあります。皆様は、コーヒーが単なる飲み物ではないことを誰よりもよくご存知でしょう。コーヒーは単なる飲み物ではなく、私たちの日常生活の重要な一部であり、習慣となっています。今日のイベントをきっかけに、ジャマイカブルーマウンテンコーヒーを飲むことを、皆様の習慣の一部にしていただければと思います。そして、 UNESCOの世界遺産であり、コーヒーが栽培される雄大なブルーマウンテン山脈で、皆様にお会いできれば、より尚嬉しいです。



現在60歳のジャマイカは、まだ若い国家であり、発展途上国ですが、祝うべきことはたくさんあります。この重要な節目に、"Re-igniting a Nation(国家再燃) "というテーマのもと、ジャマイカはいろいろな功績を称えるイベントを行う予定です。また、パートナーシップを広げ、持続可能な発展への道筋に繋がるレガシーを確立することを目指します。




Mi cahfi, mi cahfi, mi cahfi, mi cahfi
Mi bowl a bwiling cahfi in de mornin’
I cares for none o’ these, de only ting for me
Is mi bowl a bwiling cahfi in de mornin’

It gives me great pleasure to warmly welcome you all to the Embassy of Jamaica in Tokyo, especially our distinguished media representatives! What you have just heard, ladies and gentlemen, is my humble attempt at singing one of Jamaica’s most popular folk songs that speaks about how essential coffee is in our daily lives. But not just any coffee – Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee (JBMC)!

Today, we have specially invited you to indulge in the legendary luxury that is Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee: a coffee that is ethically sourced, sustainably harvested and organically grown.

We are particularly delighted that you have joined us to celebrate this precious Jamaican commodity that has been at the heart of Jamaica-Japan relations for almost 70 years. In fact, Japan’s decision four years ago to adopt January 9 as Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee Day serves as proof of its positive impact on our bilateral relations.

As we celebrate the 4th anniversary of this important day, I would like to extend my appreciation to two (2) partners. First, I must acknowledge the Association of Japanese Importers of Jamaican Coffee (AJIJC) to whom we owe a debt of gratitude for successfully proposing the adoption of this commemorative day. Next, I would like to thank Connect Worldwide (CWW) Japan, Jamaica’s tourism promotion engine in Japan, for their excellent collaboration. Both entities have partnered with the Embassy to create this special Jamaican coffee experience for you this afternoon.

When we speak of Japan’s deep appreciation for our coffee, we often use the term “love affair”. You have just heard from Mr. Mamoru ARAKI, one of the founding members of the AJIJC, who shared the wonderful story of Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee and its importance to Japan. Thanks to its unique aroma and unmatched taste, our coffee has warmed its way into the hearts of the Japanese. However, it is the unparalleled support of the AJIJC members that has contributed to JBMC’s legendary status as the ‘King of Coffee’.

Most noteworthy is that Jamaica’s coffee trade with Japan is more than an economic relationship. We are especially proud that this trade is a development partnership – with our 5,000 farmers and their communities at the centre. Indeed, over the past 68 years Japanese importers have not only maintained Japan’s place as the largest importer of Jamaican coffee but continue to support the local communities that are the backbone of our coffee industry.

Outside of its agricultural value, Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee also complements our vibrant tourism sector which CWW Japan will speak about later in the programme. As we seek to reintroduce Jamaica’s diverse tourism offerings to the Japanese market, we want to ensure that coffee remains a part of that experience.

Beyond the captivating beauty of Jamaica’s landscape, the island’s culinary offerings have drawn people to our shores. Recognizing the magnetic pull of our cuisine, the Government of Jamaica continues to use culinary tourism to attract potential visitors like the discerning Japanese travellers who value new and exciting experiences.

We are excited that Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee Day is bringing greater recognition to our legendary brand. And this presents us with a golden opportunity to reach more coffee enthusiasts in Japan. You know more than anyone else that coffee is not just a beverage. It has become a ritual—an important part of our daily lives. After today’s event, we hope that you will make Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee a part of your ritual. Better still, we would love to see you in Jamaica exploring the majestic Blue Mountain range—a UNESCO World Heritage Site—where this coffee is grown.

As influencers…as media who cover food, travel and lifestyle trends…you are among the tastemakers of Japan. Your stories, reviews and content not only inform the Japanese public but also inspire them to explore new experiences. It is our hope to today’s immersive experience will leave you even more in love with Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee…and we thank the UCC Coffee Academy for facilitating it. We hope, too, that you will share what you experienced today with your friends, family and audiences.

Finally, I am pleased to share with you that on 6th August 2022, Jamaica will celebrate its 60th Anniversary of Independence from Great Britain. Against this backdrop, today’s event also doubles as the official launch of our celebratory Diamond Jubilee activities here in Japan.

Now at 60, Jamaica is still a young nation and a developing country, but there is much to celebrate. In recognition of this significant milestone, and under the theme “Re-igniting a Nation”, the country will be undertaking a broad spectrum of activities to celebrate our achievements. We will also seek to establish a legacy that will broaden our partnerships and contribute to a sustainable path of development.

Here in Japan, the Embassy will be organising and facilitating a wide range of activities in collaboration with the Jamaican community in Japan and in partnership with various Japanese institutions, and the many individual Japanese well-wishers. There will be year-long activities to showcase our rich history and culture, as well as the positive contributions of Japan to our nation-building since our countries established diplomatic relations in 1964. 

As the year progresses, there will be a host of exciting cultural, social and educational activities taking place in Tokyo and in other Prefectures. We look forward to your support. In closing, I wish you all a pleasant afternoon with us as we indulge in the legendary and luxurious brew that is Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee!

ブルーマウンテンコーヒー実演と試飲を担当したUCCアカデミー 土居克郎氏からのコメント。





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